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New Hampshire Approves New Medical Marijuana Qualifying Condition

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A recent New Hampshire Senate Committee vote will expand the medical marijuana program to include Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). This disorder affects multiple parts of the body, and directly affects connective tissue. One senator, Senator Jeb Bradley, found the testimony provided by people with the syndrome to be compelling.

The pain of this disorder never goes away, WMUR 9 News reports. Given that one of the testifying patients is afraid to try opioids, Senators gave this bill a second thought. Depression and suicidal thoughts are other symptoms of EDS, and patients voiced that medical marijuana helps with depression.

One EDS patient, Lena Zerbinopoulos said, “Chronic back, joint and neck pain, vision problems, congenital heart valve defects, congenital kidney structure defects.”

Another patient, Lynette Stebbins said, “I’ve had 16 surgeries because of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. I have pins and plates and screws in my body because of all of the dislocations and torn ligaments and tendons.”

The full Senate must hear the bill. If it passes the full Senate, the House will have a discussion regarding the bill.